"Your religion has so many restrictions."
"Muslim (Muslim women, specially) are so captivated."
"The Shariah is such an enslavement."
I hear that a lot, we all hear that a lot. But then the theological perspectives of the modern world elaborate that religion introduces a discipline in the 'Law of the Jungle', the immense social chaos. Then why double standards when the Islamic Law (Shariah), as sent down by the Almighty Himself, is the universal code of discipline? That's a question.
I am reading the exegesis (Tafsir), the elaborated meaning, of the Quran and I have begun with the Surah (chapter) Al-Fatihah. It mentions the ideal way a Believer should supplicate i.e. make dua'a and contains the words: Sirat Al-Mustaqeem which mean the rightly guided path.
Ibn Kathir has included a Hadith reference (the words of Prophet Mohammad (saww)) which elaborates on the meaning and ideology of Sirat Al-Mustaqeem (the straight path). I know what Rasool Allah (the Messenger of God) meant when he said there are closed doors on either side of the straight path. There are so many worldly temptations ... music, boyfriends, missing prayers, alcohol, gambling, and so much more ... that literally pulls you towards themselves. I have opened some doors ... music for instance. It was addictive, it provided the illusion that lyrics are conveying what I felt. I recall reading in the Quran, a warning about poets who recited delusional stories to deviate people from their paths. I am connecting that with the lyrics of music. The songs I was listening to were reinstating the negativity in my life. For instance, I harbored the negativity in my heart that nothing will ever be good in life. The Gothic poetry very conveniently approved that negativity. "Sweet dreams are made of these ... who am I to disagree?... Travel the world and the seven seas ... everybody's looking for something ... some of them want to use you ... some of them want to be used by you ... some of them want to abuse you ... some of them want to be abused ..." sang Marilyn Manson. Sheer delusion ...
Closing that door was difficult but it happened. I am happily music-free and I have more promising poetry ... that of the Quran ... flowing through my mind now.
InnAllaha ma'as Saabireen
Allah is with those who are patient
So the doors can be closed, if you accidentally crossover. And they are for the better.
May Allah grant each one of us the strength to stay on the Sirat Al-Mustaqeem and close the forbidden doors if we ever crossover, ameen.