Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ramadan Has Flown By

The blessed month has flown away as if on wings. I have fasted, prayed, and I have made duaas. I wish I could have done more than what I did in terms of quality and quantity but my mother is struggling with health issues and I had to divert most of my attention towards her and medical procedures. I had wished to "reclaim my heart" as Yasmin Mogahed's new book talks about. I had wished to dive into the depths of my mind and soul to heal wounds, troubleshoot problems, and simplify life. I wasn't able to begin that process.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Dua'a List - Reposted

In Ramadan Diaries 2010, I wrote down a beautiful list of Dua'as alhamdulillah. I was inspired to write down a Dua'a List from Amirah Mauthoor's Ramadan e-book "Recharge Your Faith." I ensured that I cover every aspect of my life and called upon Allah (swt) using His 100 names, each one relative to the dua'a I was calling him for. I am sharing the dua'a list because often we forget what we should be asking Allah (swt) for.