Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadan Diaries: Repentance - For An Injured Soul

Real misfortune is not living in poverty, loosing a loved one, not being able to get married, being less beautiful, being deceived, an other worldly deprivations. Real misfortune is to die without having repented for your sins.

Types of Sins & Remedies
Sins can be intentional, under Shaytaan's (the Devil's) influence, or unintentional, when you have less knowledge about Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore, the 2 remedies are: 

(1) Seeking refuge from Shaytaan (Isti'adha)
There are various dua'as (invocations), extracted from the verses of the Quran and Hadith, that help seek Allah's aid in protecting us from the Devil. 
However, the most basic and the easiest that makes up an important part of beginning our prayers is:

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم "I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytaan"

(2): Studying Islam 
When you can tell which act is a sin and which is not, you're less susceptible to commit it.
Unfortunately, people like to manipulate the knowledge to their own benefit. For instance, a woman knows that covering the body (except hands and face) is mentioned in Sahih al Bukhari, and yet she brings up an excuse. A man knows that mortgage is forbidden but he brings up several facts and figures to forcefully make it sound Halal.
Studying the books of Hadith, in particular Sahih al Bukhari, in addition to the Quran offers a complete guide against sins. Major and minor, all sins have been described extensively by Allah (swt) through His book, the Quran, and through Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم 

Sins Injure the SoulSins are like weapons of Shaytaan that he uses to violate our souls. The more we sin, the more we wound our souls. These wounds becomes poisonous gangrene that eats up our good deeds as well. If we die in a state of being unforgiven, we lose out on an eternal life of happiness.

Why People Sin Intentionally?
It is obvious that a sinner knows, most of the time, that he is committing an act of evil. A thief knows that he is stealing of another's property, a terrorist knows that he is killing innocents, a rapist knows that he is afflicting incurable pain on a woman, and a woman who reveals more than she is allowed to knows that she is luring men towards herself. Then why do intentional sins secure a very high rate of occurrence in the world?  
Allah (swt) knows what's in the hearts of people and He mentions in the Quran that people who have fallen prey to Shaytaan (the Devil) are deaf, dumb, and blind. They willingly select the path of deviance and then Allah (swt) closes all doors of returns for them. He knows that they will not repent.
Why Are Some Intentional Sinners Forgiven?
Allah (swt) is the Most Merciful, and He knows what a person is made of, He gives chances to those who have the potential of changing themselves. Such people are the most fortunate! Such people are the ones who have been blessed with a second chance by their Lord to earn a better Hereafter for themselves! 

When to Start Repenting?
Allah (swt) is ready when you are. He says He forgives and He will! The instant you realize you were wrong, stop and put yourself in reverse gear. It's time to make a U-turn, a wild one, towards Siraat al Mustaqeem (the right path).
No matter how big a sin you have committed: you have eaten Haram, you have committed adultery, you have taken bribe, you have exposed yourself more than you were permitted to ...
There is a cure for every disease, except death, and there is a forgiveness for every sin except intentional shirk!

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