Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ramadan Diaries 2012, inshaAllah

Ramadan is fast approaching, like a train, and we're almost at the railroads. The deal is, what type of an encounter shall we have? Shall we collide head on, caught off guard, or we shall be ready to board it properly and enjoy the journey? inshaAllah, if we're prepared we'll make the most of it. I, for one, am highly impatient about Ramadan because it's this immensely beautiful month when I can really feel the closeness to Allah, no kidding. I am no mystic, no saint, but I do feel that I am able to connect with Him and my prayers are so, so better. I have sought the ultimate solution to make the most of this month. I have taken a break from my MBA courses.

There were concerns about my decision because, as Pakistani families think, time is running out and I have to graduate before Armageddon hits us! However, I was pretty firm about it, mashaAllah ... for once my decision making did not falter. That's how it is in Allah's matters. I feel that with my attention focused on Ramadan alone and not racing with time to complete assignments and class discussions, I shall be able to live the spirit of the beautiful season, inshaAllah. I wish to start a nice Tahajjud routine, followed by some seriously dedicated reading of the Tafsir, and shall top it with some more extra prayers during the day.

I do have a theme for this year's Ramadan Diaries. I am aiming at overcoming the horrors of my mind, inshaAllah. They've been created by Shaytan, who else? Since he shall take a hike to Hell as usual during Ramadan, I wish to conquer those fears and bury them away forever. I feel I must let go, and there is no better time than Ramadan to turn over a new leaf.

Stay with me ...

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