Monday, September 10, 2012

How I Overcame The Post Ramadan Writer's Block

The Writer's Block is a pet peeve of the devil himself, especially when you are writing for a good cause. The post-Ramadan writer's block had been doing an annoying dance on my nerves lately. Last night, at about Isha time when all was said and done, I ransacked my mind for fresh ideas. Alhamdulillah, they came and I spent the day today getting the resources together.
The past previous months have coaxed me into thinking more about the workings of the Muslim family, relationships, and how a family unit can function effectively. I was at a restaurant, waiting for a pizza in a never ending line, when a major fight broke out between two Muslim families because of some young adult boys who chose to misbehave. 
"Don't you give me the look, now!" The boy, about 17 or 18 years of age, shouted at his mother.
The mother, in an undertone, asked him to hush.
"Who're you telling to keep quiet?" The boy raged, "I will not keep quiet, I will not shut up, you shut up, you always give me that look."
The mother, louder this time, asked the boy to sit back down at the table. 
"No! I will not sit down!"
A man, apparently his father, came in to intervene all the way from his place in the waiting line. He asked him what the problem was and he ridiculed his mother.
"She always does this! She gives me the look! What are you going to do, hit me?" He glared at his mother.
This is when an appalling thing happened. The mother withdrew a toothpick from its holder on the table, and poked it multiple times like a dagger on her son's shoulder. He still didn't shut up!
That was when I saw the void that needs to be talked about. The distances in relationships, the mannerisms, the lack of personal connections. So I'd be putting together some thought-provoking articles. Hopefully, if my editorial team at Productive agrees, I shall be contributing the articles to their website.
Secondly, I had been meaning to put together an entire bunch of entries in Ramadan about soul searching, inner reflections, connecting with oneself and eventually finding Allah (swt)'s good will by connecting with Him. It is obvious that these entries will focus a lot on self-help issues.
Fortunately, I found out that Yasmin Mogahed's new book 'Reclaim Your Heart' touches a lot of such issues that can help serve the purpose. I'd be purchasing the book to benefit from it, inshaAllah. These articles would hopefully be coming up on Sisterly Yours, inshaAllah.
A third series that I am estimating, inshaAllah, is about women exclusively. I intend to attend 'Complicated? - A to Z Of Women's Modern Fiqh', a seminar by Al-Maghrib which aims at explaining the modern stance of a Muslim woman in the global community. The issues discussed in the introductory summary of the seminar are very practical and elaborate. There are always doubts in one's mind pertaining to the role of a Muslim woman and how much liberty she can enjoy. There are issues of socialization, public speaking, participation in the community, and many more.
I feel that as a writer for the Muslim youth, I definitely need to attend this seminar in order to understand my own scope and flexibility under the light of Quran and Sunnah.
Conclusively, I figured that when writer's block strikes it is best to gather resources which inspire creativity. The blankness is natural because of work overload, emotional stress, and exhaustion. Good books, good speakers, good movies, and websites are a refreshing feed of information that has the potential to become one good creative write.

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