Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadan Diaries: Picking up Pace, Day 02

Bismillahir Rahmanir RaheemIn the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Well what do you know? It's the 2nd Ramadan already! It flies by once you start so I feel I should quicken the pace of productivity. 

Note down some little things that you should know about Ramadan Diaries 2011. We won't be doing all the sections everyday. Treasures from the Quran and Ramadan Kitchen shall be daily, inshAllah, and the rest would appear as needed. 

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS: (click the photos to visit the articles)
Identify what makes you lazy, Be proactive, Revise the Importance of Ramadan, Plan for Quran recitation, Prepare for Laylatul Qadar, Exercise, Suhoor & Iftaar menus ... Read it all in my article on Productive Ramadan.com

We're reviewing the message in Chapter 55: The Merciful (Surah Ar-Rahman) which reminds us of Allah (swt)'s favors on us and how He (swt) provides us mercy which is the theme of the 1st Ashra.
Today's Message: Signs & Favors of Allah (swt)

A very healthy A great way to get Ramadan started. Send in your recipes with your name to sisterlyyoursanum@hotmail.com

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